Jun 21Liked by Ruth Noemi Bendel

Yes, yes YESSS!!!! Always so articulate and well written, loved this piece Ruth!! A wonderful read.

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Means so much it resonated with you 🥹♥️

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What a wonderful read. The empire will fall, and we get to decide what kind of future we want!

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We do! And we need to seize the moment to truly make it right!! Thank you for reading it, glad you enjoyed it 🥰

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Jun 17Liked by Ruth Noemi Bendel

Great piece!

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Thank you <3

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Jun 16Liked by Ruth Noemi Bendel

Yes, yes! From the language that’s being used by both right leaning and liberal politicians, to public figures getting on podiums to loudly and proudly declare to women that they only have value as wives and mothers, it is so clear that the west is desperately trying to cling on to regressive ideologies to maintain dominance. I’m thinking about that social dilemma documentary that confirmed all our fears that tech companies depended on the polarization of users as a business model and can’t help but to see their role in how an alarming amount of people in the west have embraced regressive politics

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OMG, I have forgotten about the documentary!! But you're right! They even admitted of the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the fact that fake news brings more engagement, therefore more money, than the truth! Polarisation is really a tool we need to combat because it has been drifting us apart and we can not let the 1% keep a hold of us like that!

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